Electronic/World Wide Web>Blog:  Cain, David (December 2016), Five Things You Notice When You Quit the News, Retrieved on 2016-12-29
  • Source Material [www.raptitude.com]
  • Folksonomies: productivity current events prioritization


    29 DEC 2016

     Most current-events-related conversations are just people...

    “Because it helps you participate in everyday conversations!” is a weak but at least meaningful answer to the “What is accomplished” question. But when you quit playing the current events game, and observe others talking about them, you might notice that almost nobody really knows what they’re talking about. There is an extraordinary gulf between having a functional understanding of an issue, and the cursory glance you get from the news. If you ever come across a water-cooler conve...
      1  notes
    29 DEC 2016

     You were never actually accomplishing anything by watchin...

    If you ask someone what they accomplish by watching the news, you’ll hear vague notions like, “It’s our civic duty to stay informed!” or “I need to know what’s going on in the world,” or “We can’t just ignore these issues,” none of which answer the question. “Being informed” sounds like an accomplishment, but it implies that any information will do. You can become informed by reading a bus schedule. A month after you’ve quit the news, it’s hard to name anything u...
      1  notes

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