Electronic/World Wide Web>Internet Article:  Pinker, Steven (12/6/2016), The United States is Not an Apocalyptic Wasteland, Explains Steven Pinker, Retrieved on 2016-12-29
  • Source Material [www.3quarksdaily.com]
  • Folksonomies: optimism


    29 DEC 2016

     The World is Getting Better

    The facts are as follows. The rate of violent crime is lower now than it was at any time between 1966 and 2009. Immigrants have a lower rate of violent crime than American citizens. Terrorists kill just three-tenths of one percent of all American homicide victims. The rate of death from terrorism in the United States was higher in the early 1970s than it is today. And since 2002, more Americans have been killed by right-wing American terrorists than by Islamic terrorists. It’s true that the...
    Folksonomies: optimism
    Folksonomies: optimism
      1  notes

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