Electronic/World Wide Web>Internet Article:  bowiesongs, (2010), Oh! You Pretty Things, Retrieved on 2016-01-19
  • Source Material [bowiesongs.wordpress.com]
  • Folksonomies: history parenting meaning music alienation


    19 JAN 2016

     Themes in "Oh! You Pretty Things"

    The resonance of “Oh! You Pretty Things” comes from how it uses these Nietzschean SF trappings as a metaphor for how a generation regards its successor with longing, fear and resentment (never more so than with the so-called Greatest Generation and their children the Boomers), or, even closer to home, how a parent can regard his or her children. Once you become a parent, you lose precedence in your own life—your own needs and desires are shunted aside, and you spend years as servant and...
    Folksonomies: parenting themes
    Folksonomies: parenting themes
     1  1  notes

    Parent Reference