Audiovisual Media>Television Series, Single Episode: Snodgrass, Melinda (1989), Star Trek: The Next Generation - The Measure of a Man, Retrieved on 2015-02-04Source Material []
Folksonomies: artificial intelligence science fiction script Memes
04 FEB 2015
Picard Defends Data as Life
Commander Riker has dramatically demonstrated to this court that Lieutenant Commander Data is a machine. Do we deny that? No, because it is not relevant: we, too, are machines, just machines of a different type. Commander Riker has also reminded us that Lieutenant Commander Data was created by a man; do we deny that? No. Again, it is not relevant. Children are created from the 'building blocks' of their parents' DNA. Are they property? [...] Your honor, the courtroom is a crucible; in it, w...Folksonomies: life aritificial intelligence
Folksonomies: life aritificial intelligence