Electronic/World Wide Web>Internet Video:  Asimov, Isaac and Nimoy, Leonard (Mar 2, 2011), star trek convention nyc 1973, Retrieved on 2011-03-06
  • Source Material [www.youtube.com]
  • Folksonomies: speculation science fiction star trek


    06 MAR 2011

     Isaac Asimov on Star Trek

    They speak about the mission of the Enterprise being "To boldly go--" a split infinitive I heard every single time--"To boldly go where no man has ever gone before" they mean it primarily, I suppose, in... territorially. They're visiting stars that no man has till then ever visited. Their going through vastnesses no man has ever penetrated. But in addition, they're meeting problems that man has not faced. [What] Star Trek really presented was the brotherhood of intelligence. It mattered not...
      1  notes

    The prolific science fiction author explains what was so great and inspiring about the original television series.

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