Electronic/World Wide Web>Internet Article:  geekfeminism, (2013), Gender binary, Geek Feminism Wiki, Retrieved on 2013-11-18
  • Source Material [geekfeminism.wikia.com]
  • Folksonomies: feminism gender identity


    18 NOV 2013

     Gender is Not Binary

    he gender binary is the artificial division of the world into things that are "masculine" or "for men" and things that are "feminine" or "for women". One of the starkest ways to think of this is to consider the phrase "opposite sexes/genders" (as opposed to "different sexes/genders"), when both men and women are human beings with fundamentally many more commonalities than differences. The division is artificial in several ways: much of it is very clearly socially constructed. For example,...
    Folksonomies: gender sexuality equality
    Folksonomies: gender sexuality equality
     1  1  notes

    Interesting concept from feminist and homosexual literature. The scientific point of view on this is that human males and females are dimorphic to various degrees.

    Parent Reference