Books, Brochures, and Chapters>Book:  Mukherjee, Siddhartha (2011-02-08), The Emperor of All Maladies, HarperCollins UK, Retrieved on 2013-10-13
  • Source Material []
  • Folksonomies: science


    13 OCT 2013

     The Two Kinds of Cell Growth

    In 1838, Matthias Schleiden, a botanist, and Theodor Schwann, a physiologist, both working in Germany, had claimed that all living organisms were built out of fundamental building blocks called cells. Borrowing and extending this idea, Virchow set out to create a “cellular theory” of human biology, basing it on two fundamental tenets. First, that human bodies (like the bodies of all animals and plants) were made up of cells. Second, that cells only arose from other cells—omnis cellula e...
    Folksonomies: biology cells cell growth
    Folksonomies: biology cells cell growth
      1  notes

    Hypertrophy and hyperplasia, cells either grow bigger or grow more numerous.

    13 OCT 2013

     The Fundamentals of Cancer

    Cancer, we now know, is a disease caused by the uncontrolled growth of a single cell. This growth is unleashed by mutations—changes in DNA that specifically affect genes that incite unlimited cell growth. In a normal cell, powerful genetic circuits regulate cell division and cell death. In a cancer cell, these circuits have been broken, unleashing a cell that cannot stop growing. That this seemingly simple mechanism—cell growth without barriers—can lie at the heart of this grotesque an...
      1  notes

    It is a mutated cell, a renegade, the key is to keep it from mutating.

    Parent Reference