Books, Brochures, and Chapters>Book:  Brown, James Robert (2012-10-12), Philosophy of Mathematics, Routledge, Retrieved on 2013-06-18
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  • Folksonomies: mathematics philosophy


    18 JUN 2013

     Proof That the Set of Prime Numbers is Infinite

    Theorem: There are infinitely many prime numbers. Proof: Suppose, contrary to the theorem, that there is only a finite number of primes. Thus, there will be a largest which we can call p. Now define a number n as 1 plus the product of all the primes: n = (2 X 3 X 5 X 7 X 11 X...X p) 1 Is n itself prime or composite? If it is prime then our original supposition is false, since n is larger than the supposed largest prime p. So now let’s consider it composite. This means that it must be div...
      1  notes

    There is always one larger.

    18 JUN 2013

     The Mathematical Image

    The proof is elegant and the result profound. Still, it is typical mathematics; so, it’s a good example to reflect upon. In doing so, we will begin to see the elements of the mathematical image, the standard conception of what mathematics is. Let’s begin a list of some commonly accepted aspects. By ‘commonly accepted’ I mean that they would be accepted by most working mathematicians, by most educated people, and probably by most philosophers of mathematics, as well. In listing them as...
    Folksonomies: mathematics philosophy
    Folksonomies: mathematics philosophy
      1  notes

    How mathematics provides certainty, objectivity,

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