Books, Brochures, and Chapters>Book: Lloyd, Seth (January, 2010), Move Aside, Sex, Edge Foundation, Inc., Retrieved on 2010-10-01Source Material []
Folksonomies: culture internet technology society Memes
23 JAN 2011
WWW has Replaced Sex as Propagator of Junk Data
For hundreds of millions of years, Sex was the most efficient method for propagating information of dubious provenance: the origins of all those snippets of junk DNA are lost in the sands of reproductive history. Move aside, Sex: the world-wide Web has usurped your role. A single illegal download can propagate more parasitic bits of information than a host of mating Tse Tse flies. Indeed, as I looked further afield, I found that it was not just Wikipedia that was in error: essentially every d...DNA has often propagated bad ideas, evidenced by all the extinct species throughout Earth's history; today the Internet propagates vast quantities of bad data.
Parent Reference

Books, Brochures, and Chapters>Book: Brockman, John, ed. (January, 2010), How is the Internet Changing the Way You Think?, Edge Foundation, Inc., Retrieved on 2010-10-01Source Material []
Folksonomies: new media