Electronic/World Wide Web>Internet Article:  Weisman, David (March 9, 2011), Buddhism and the Brain, Seed Magazine, Retrieved on 2012-08-26
  • Source Material [seedmagazine.com]
  • Folksonomies: neuroscience buddhism


    26 AUG 2012

     Empiricism in Buddhist Spirituality

    Both Buddhism and neuroscience converge on a similar point of view: The way it feels isn’t how it is. There is no permanent, constant soul in the background. Even our language about ourselves is to be distrusted (requiring the tortured negation of anatta). In the broadest strokes then, neuroscience and Buddhism agree. How did Buddhism get so much right? I speak here as an outsider, but it seems to me that Buddhism started with a bit of empiricism. Perhaps the founders of Buddhism were pre-...
      1  notes

    Buddhists recognize the impermanence of human existence, that we are perpetually changing. They discovered this truth, shared with neuroscience, because they gave up the ego of the self.

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