Books, Brochures, and Chapters>Book:  Pinchot , Gifford (1998-07-01), Breaking New Ground, Island Pr, Retrieved on 2012-06-20
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    20 JUN 2012

     Learning About Forestry

    How to start on my adventure—how to become a forester—was not so simple. There were no schools of Forestry in America. ... Whoever turned his mind toward Forestry in those days thought little about the forest itself and more about its influences, and about its influence on rainfall first of all. So I took a course in meteorology, which has to do with weather and climate. and another in botany, which has to do with the vegetable kingdom—trees are unquestionably vegetable. And another in ...
    Folksonomies: study forestry
    Folksonomies: study forestry
      1  notes

    How Pinchot studied forestry, a subject that did not exist in his time, so he studied meteorology, geology, and botany.

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